Tuesday 13 December 2022

Malnourishment is the Nation’s biggest Developmental issue


Malnourishment is the Nation’s biggest Developmental issue

A child, as soon he/she is conceived starts growing and requires proper nutrition. After birth, especially after he/she start consuming food for the first time, it is imperative that they receive appropriate amount of nutrients including a high protein and fat diet. Unfortunately in some families, due to extreme poverty and often negligence, children are not able to receive that balanced diet. A child can be well fed but not well nourished if the diet does not include protein and fats. Therefore we see stunted growth or ill developed cognitive functions in many children below the age of three. These irregularities will have an everlasting impact. The lack of proper nutrition may lead to improper physical or cognitive development and might eventually lead to his/her under performance growing up. Underperforming workforce will definitely have a big impact on our national GDP and development. Therefore nutrition/malnutrition isn’t just a personal issue but a national issue.

A proper diet of children is age specific and must contain high amount of protein, fats and mineral, which includes cereals and pulses with milk, oil/ghee and milk along with vegetables and iodized salt for minerals. The food being served must be, along with nutritious, must be sanitized and fresh. Fresh and warm food served in clean dishes is as important as serving food to start with. Often we see that children do not like to eat and show preferences over different food dishes and parents unfortunately adher by the child’s preferences than looking at their actual dietary requirement. It is the responsibility of the caregiver to prepare and cook the food in a way that is appropriate both for the dietary requirement of the child and his/her palate.  Our creches in Sundargarh ensure that each child consumes the above diet as prescribed by NHM and all food being prepared is in adherence to the guideline isuued by DMF and each child likes the taste of it. Therefore special cooking instruction is issued to our creche workers for that matter. Also special attention is given to children under SAM and MAM based on the prescription by NRC or medical officers from PHC. It is our aim to ensure that each child in our watch is well nourished, healthy and happy. 

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